
I'm a partner in the advanced analytics group at Bain & Company, the global management consulting firm. My primary focus is on marketing analytics (bio). I've been writing here (views my own) about marketing, technology, e-business, and analytics since 2003 (blog name explained).

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December 22, 2009

New Year's Resolutions, 2010, Part I: Less Is More

Tony Haile was my gracious host last week for a short visit to Betaworks in Manhattan's meatpacking district.  Fascinating conversation (Thanks Tony!), more about that in a separate post to follow. 

Across the street from Betaworks' offices was this sign:


Hit me like a ton of bricks (no irony).  My gold standard for trying boil down what I'm doing -- and for that matter what anyone else I'm working with is doing:

  • Clarity -- it's veal.
  • "Promise" -- not just veal: quality veal.
  • Accountability -- got a beef?  Talk to Dave.
  • Brevity -- more questions?  Knock on #425.
Probably not the same epiphany for you as it was for me, and Seth Godin's got nothing to worry about to be sure, but nonetheless a high signal-to-noise moment for me given what's been on my mind.  Hope to use it to full effect in the new year.


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