
I'm a partner in the advanced analytics group at Bain & Company, the global management consulting firm. My primary focus is on marketing analytics (bio). I've been writing here (views my own) about marketing, technology, e-business, and analytics since 2003 (blog name explained).

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July 19, 2011

Please sponsor me! Nashoba Learning Group 50 Mile Bike-a-thon / Saturday, July 23

Hello friends,

This Saturday, July 23rd, I mount my trusty steed once again to ride in Nashoba Learning Group's 50-mile bikeathon to help raise money for the school.  Many of you have been extremely generous in years past.   Nan and I are grateful to you for that and proud to have seen your gifts help to build such a wonderful organization.  Since 2003, when Will started as one of the first three students, the school's up to 90 kids with a much larger waiting list, and it's widely recognized to be at the very front of the list of models for how children with autistic spectrum disorders can make the most progress toward their potential.

Saturday is forecasted to be very hot, just like 2007's ride.  I am a little older and fatter (so close to "fitter", yet so far).  So, I hope once again we can count on your support, in any amount!  Donation information:  please visit the Nashoba Learning Group website donation page http://www.nashobalearninggroup.org/donations.htm .  Look for "2011 Bikeathon / Walkathon" in the drop down list if you wish to use a credit card.  Otherwise, you can send a check to:

Nashoba Learning Group
10 Oak Park Drive
Bedford, MA  01730
Attention:  Kathy Romeo

Thanks so much!




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